I'm the lucky guy!

posted in Computer food
Published August 08, 2007
Deutsche Telekom is suing me for unpaid bills (540EUR). I won't pay the bills. Reason: while it is true that I picked up a phone line some months ago, DT never did their job properly. After two phone calls (the latest has even been ended rather bluntly by the operator who was not able to speak English (maybe he thought this was a joke)), I gave up with them - they never bothered to install a phone plug in my flat, but they never forgot to send me their monthly bills. Consequence: I have never been able to use the phone line for which they want me to pay.

I will face them proudly. I will battle them. Ultimately, I don't expect to win.

Screw them.
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Do you have a landlord, or someone of that kind, who can vouch that there was never a jack installed?

Since it's a small claim, they should just be able to reject it out of hand.
August 08, 2007 08:43 AM
Emmanuel Deloget
I've just sent a letter to the tribunal to explain that. Hopefully, someone will have enough brain to catch the problem... (I'm pretty sure that the people who work at the tribunal are clever enough).
August 08, 2007 12:58 PM
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