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Latest Java Activity

April 09, 2023 07:15 PM
Zengine - Game engine editor and Render-Scene Graph

Following up from the previous blog post about the Java engine or “Zengine” that I'm developing with my friend. I was contemplating how to go about implementing an editor build or rather multiple build types for editing and for a game. After doing some brainstorming I've figured out how to implemen…

April 08, 2023 02:13 PM
Zengine - A Java game engine in LWJGL using Assimp, IMGUI, and more.

So a couple of months ago, my friend and I both wanted to work on some sort of programming project together. We both work in software engineering but come from different backgrounds, I studied a BSc in Games Programming and he studied a BSc in Computer Science. Our idea was that we wanted to essent…


I'm in the process of developing a 2D RPG game engine.  I have a working demo engine which is essentially a glorified interactive screensaver but  I am gradually introducing more elements of gameplay.

What I would love is to find some peeps who might have talent and skills but maybe (like…

September 12, 2022 10:19 PM

Learning to create games without a game engine will also make you a better programmer and game developer. 

Java Class, How to Check Collision Between Entities in Same Array?

JoeJ said:
(Did not read former replies)

Your was the first issue and part of the third issue of the four I pointed out.

@yusufabi It may seem a bit rough, but I recommend reading this paper about asking questions in technical forums. It will help both in asking and in responding to the replies you ha…


I just did above, with fread(). Mirror the call with fwrite(). This works well for plain old data, but does not work for pointers or for many more advanced uses. There is no need for a “binary format” as the data is inherently in the format in memory. 

Again, Java has built in serializing funct…


I am a programmer I need another programmer to help me finish my project , one thing does not exclude the other dear sir.

By the way I am baffled about the way supervga knows stuff about jist, do you work for blizzard vga ? anyways, pointing a finger and laughing at jist


Is there another Java OpenGL wrapper, excluding JOGL and LWJGL?


Yes, the list was placed there for my own reminders. There is a wiki for everything I implement, I just haven't linked it in the Readme, you'll just have to click on the Wiki tab.

I'll slowly perfect the code and how the repo looks as I go along. Once I finish the most important parts of the todo li…

Problem with Libgdx screen sizing

Sounds like screen information are read before they're set properly by Android. I'm not experienced with libGdx but could you post your initialization code?


I don't consider myself a game developer, although I have created multiple 2d and 3d (raytracing and rasterization) engines. 

It's all about learning a programming language at a deep level like c++, some books that can help you understand the math, and having a great architecture for a codebase…


I started programming in college, if you're starting now then you'll probably be leagues ahead of your classmates by the time you get to college if you stay at it consistently. 

I just wanted to point out that the three.js library is very popular for javascript game making. https://threejs.org/…


In my understanding of the definition from the license, the PNG itself would suffice. Having the source code be that same as object code is not uncommon even for programming languages (take Python or Bash scripts). You could include a project file from the editor you used to create the texture, but…


rofellos said:
it may have some blockages (walls or others) between some squares

Assign half the edges of a square to it, eg the upper and right edge. Add two booleans (blocked/unblocked for both edges) or two enum-values (unblocked/wall/bush/etc) to a square and you're done.

The only “problem” you ha…


Hello everyone.

We are looking for contributors to a free, open-source game for PC. The game is still in its early development but certain results have been achieved already (see below).

The game is called Progressia and its premise is similar to Minecraft. It is a sandbox game about survival and eng…

jMonkeyEngine - Getting Started [Tutorial 01]

jMonkeyEngine (JME) is a modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.

In this first part, we learn how to install JME and setup our first project.

PVS-studio team
November 10, 2020 07:59 AM
PVS-Studio for Indie Developers

Independent game developers, whether single enthusiasts or teams, are faced with the grave problem of having to eliminate bugs from their code. Most independent developers and even studios can't afford the amounts of resources available to large companies to spend on testing and long debugging. And…


Hiii there! 
Your projects sounds interesting! 

I am currently searching some free time project for myself, because I am interested in working in game development in future. I want it to be a hobby-free time project, due to my current work overload. I am not working in IT at all, however th…


1000 players isn't by itself hard, assuming the simulation load per player is low, and somewhat depending on the size of a tick. If you're sweeping a sphere across a static geometry with precomputed collision, that should be super easy.

Of course, using optimized libraries and high-performance runti…


I’ve been getting movement stutter ( moving the camera) No screen tearing, just choppy movement, almost as if it wobbles, yet the fps remains to be a solid 60.

This only occurs in windows mode, and it appears to be random (smooth more often than not).
I print to canvas using a BufferStrategy(2).
I hav…


In this particular case, to randomly select 5 elements from your list of names you could use:

Random rng = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
	//generates a random integer in [i,names.length)
	int swapTarget = i + rng.nextInt(names.length - i);
	String temp = names[i];
	names[i] = names[swapT…

Depending on implementation you need to find at which coord you end up at top left and bottom right then youll have your solution by not drawing tiles that are beyound that rectangle


Working on a project that involves Old School RuneScape for learning and fun

If you're interested contact me via Discord animeinabox#5233 for more info


Solved, it was a simple mistake, I should have used alListenerfv instead of alListenerf, and not use playerOrientation[0], just playerOrientation

January 11, 2020 05:48 PM
Image Recognition by Equilateral Encoding

I recently started reading the book Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms by Jeff Heaton. Upon finishing reading the chapter Normalizing Data, I decided to practice what I had just learnt to hopefully finally understand 100 % of a special algorithm : …

October 30, 2019 11:03 PM
AWT GUI Facade (8): Keyboard and key sequences

In this post, I add the keyboard management to the facade, and I propose a way to detect key sequences. These sequences are used, for example, in games like Street Fighter II, where characters move according to specific key combos.

Keyboard facade

I first design the keyboard facade. As …

October 23, 2019 06:41 PM
AWT GUI Facade (7): Draw text

Graphic libraries usually provide methods to draw text on the screen. These handy methods are often quite slow to run because they recompute many parameters at each call. To save computational time, the flyweight pattern can be used to provide text parameters with low memory and cpu usage.

October 16, 2019 08:15 PM
AWT GUI Facade (6): Mouse and Game Loop

After loading a level, I now propose to add interaction with the use of a mouse. This will be an opportunity to see two other patterns: the Observer Pattern to handle mouse events, and the Game Loop Pattern for synchronization between controls, updates, and display.

This post is part of the…

October 09, 2019 05:36 PM
AWT GUI Facade (5): Load a level

In this article, I propose to use the Visitor Pattern to easily load a level. The GUI facade in the previous post is used to display the level. This pattern allows (among other things) to easily browse a data structure to extract information. In our case, it is an XML file created by “Tiled Map …

October 03, 2019 06:05 AM
AWT GUI Facade (4): Draw with tiles

I continue the extension of the graphic facade (see previous article), with here the addition of a very classic form of drawing for video games: tiles. These make it possible to compose an image using small images called tiles. There are several types of tiles, I propose in this article the simp…

October 02, 2019 06:03 PM
AWT GUI Facade (3): Display an image

The facade seen in the previous article has only an interface with its methods. It is also possible to enrich a facade with additional interfaces, connected to each other by various means. To illustrate it, I propose to add image management. This addition also makes it possible to present anothe…

September 25, 2019 07:48 PM
AWT GUI Facade (2): Draw

In this article, I propose to continue the design of a facade for a 2D tile game (previous post). I add two new features: creation/destruction of the window, and basic drawing. Each feature is managed by a batch of methods in a GUIFacade interface.

This post is part of the AWT GUI Facade ser…

September 18, 2019 06:52 PM
AWT GUI Facade (1): display a window

In this series, I propose to discover the Facade Pattern. In short, this pattern defines an interface that allows a reduced and simplified use of a set of features. To illustrate, we design a facade of the AWT graphic library for a 2D tile game.

This post is part of the AWT GUI Facade series…

March 23, 2019 09:19 AM
DevBlog, No. 35

Hello dears!
This month we had the following tasks:
0. Decide whether we need to implement AO (ambient occlusion) or not.
1. Screw the optimization of the terrain, i.e. return it to the previous level.
2. Implement the creation of a settings file and its saving.
3. Loading textures depending on qua…

February 18, 2019 07:36 AM
DevBlog #34

Hello dears!
It's been more than a month since the last diary. Frankly, it was a hard month for me in terms of development.

Most of the time was devoted to the construction of the structure of society, the interaction of the population, the transition from one stratum to another. It took a …

January 11, 2019 07:14 AM
The Great Tribes Devblog #33


Hello dears! And happy new year's holidays!

It's been over a month since the last development diary. I have to say that I wanted to post a diary before, but faced with a intractable problem, which spent a lot of time. But all in order.

According to the development plan, the first c…

December 05, 2018 03:18 AM
The Great Tribes Devblog #32

Hello dears!

It's been a month and a half since my last diary, a huge amount of work has been done during this time. So that was my task sheet, without considering the tasks that I perform on in-game mechanics:

All tasks were performed not in the order in which they were located in t…

November 27, 2018 08:56 AM
The Great Tribes DevBlog #31

Hello dears!

In this short extraordinary diary we decided to tell you about the new system of city expansion, which was added to the game. As you may remember, the original structure of urban areas had a pronounced square structure:

To begin with, this was quite enough, but since this gra…

October 22, 2018 09:41 AM
The Great Tribes Devblog #1


Concept Document

Game project, a global strategy simulator of civilization development - The Great Tribes

      1. Classification

Genre: global strategy, simulator. Time of one walkthrough: 10 + hours. Platform: PC.

2. Mai…
October 08, 2018 07:16 PM
Tales of Vastor - Progress #9
Tales of Vastor - Progress #9

  • What's done?
  • What's next?
  • Music
What's done? Black knight model

Another enemy was added to the game - the black knight, one of the late game enemies.

Waypoint icons

The waypoint icons will help you ide…

October 02, 2018 03:33 PM
Unit Vision

Subscribe to our subreddit to get all the updates from the team!

First off, here's a video that shows the unit vision in action : 


So, what is the unit vision? It's a simple mechanism that notifies a unit when another unit enters its vision field. It also takes into acc…

Navigation Meshes and Pathfinding

I recently worked on a path-finding algorithm used to move an AI agent into an organically generated dungeon.

It's not an easy task but because I've already worked on Team Fortress 2 cards in the past, I already knew navigation meshes (navmesh) and their capabilities.

Why Not Waypoints? …
Call Unity3D Methods from Java Plugins using Reflection

Unity is a great game engine to develop mobile games. It brings a lot of functionality with easy to use tools. But as you go deeper in creating Android games with Unity there comes a time when you have to extend Unity by your own Android Java plugins.

Unity's documentation is decent enough to get st…
