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What types of games would you like to see in the future?

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24 comments, last by MarcusAseth 6 years, 10 months ago
4 hours ago, MarcusAseth said:

I wasted 3k hours into Guild Wars 1 because all that effort was washed away at GW2 launch

3000 ??? You should be happy they terminated the game. Otherwise - would you still waste your life to play it?

4 hours ago, MarcusAseth said:

Probably the problem here is that is all based on money, therefore one need to create new games to keep the player interest high and keep earning money, so I dream of a society where everyone receive a basic income just because he is on this planet thus removing the need for making money to survive, if that where to happen then games would be made just out of passion and we would have more of those lifetime-commitment projects. I also think it will eventually happen in the future, and we have the bad luck to be born too soon to see it x_x

So you dream of a workless society - ok, but you do it mainly because... there would be better games if so ???

You want a future where machines do work and humans live in a pointless virtual dream world? Sorry for axaggerating, but all you say points in that direction ;p

6 hours ago, JoeJ said:

So you dream of a workless society - ok, but you do it mainly because... there would be better games if so ???

You want a future where machines do work and humans live in a pointless virtual dream world? Sorry for axaggerating, but all you say points in that direction ;p

Not really, the fact that you don't have to work to survive doesn't mean you will lack a goal or everyone will become zombies. It simply means that wathever craft you choose to refine is the one you chose out of passion (and not the one you choose out of need). The goal of improving oneself has nothing to do with money, and one can still become an excelent artist, musician, expert meteorologist or wathever is the thing that interests you.

Noone said people should stop to improve themselves or that they can only improve because they get rewarded with money, the only reward one need should be knowing that he/she is improving himself and the craft he takes pride in.

And yeah, there is nothing wrong in a society where only machines works, if that enables people to follow their dreams, imo.

8 hours ago, JoeJ said:

You want a future where machines do work and humans live in a pointless virtual dream world?

Forgot to adress this in my previous reply, but why would it be pointless? I could argue that people working right now and slaving away until death is pointless, I could argue that using your lifetime to learn and improve yourself is pointless because is all lost the moment you die, like playing Final Fantasy VIII for 30 hours without a memory card and then the power goes out... :D

I mean, the fact is that what is pointless and what is not is highly subjective and we are extremely biased by what suits us. Like for us a toxic radioactive hot magma planet with crushing gravity is a bad environment because doesn't suits us, but from the universe point of view, it is a perfectly fine place...so which view is right?! Or maybe they both are... :P

And so under that light, living in the real world is equally pointless as the "virtual dream world" one, and so one should be allowed to choose in which one to waste his time :P

There is a major difference between virtual / real life: procreation. It does not matter what we think about good or bad life, what makes sense to us or not. If the whole species would go virtual and looses interest in real life, it would vanish. Maybe even this does not matter, not sure, but i am sure playing a video game for 30 hours is always a waste of time, memory card or not. Doing work justifies to relax, play a game, watch a movie or whatever, but if you play too much there is too little time for work (survival) and family (procreation). Your life becomes empty and pointless. Even if the virtual world is exactly your dream, you'll be unhappy. You can't trick nature.

Why do you want to make games instead just playing them? To make your dream game? No, it's because this way you do more work and less timewasting and you feel better. I bet that's the true reason :P

I really want to go back to the golden era of Minecraft modding, like back in 1.7.10. I had sooo much fun. So many great mods, so many great packs, that are currently unplayable or discontinued etc since the base game progresses faster than what the mod devs can keep up with. :( There are lots of clones etc, but none of them come close to modded MC in terms of content.

I really like building stuff with my friends. MC is one example, games like Anno or The Settlers are others. I'd really love some form of building game which is endless and continuous, that allows for clever and/or optimized designs, yet has some form of quests or challenges that scales with progression. Stardew Valley is a game that really impressed me in how it combined the building/progressing, the social RPG aspects, the questing, the "just one more turn" thing and the collectibles aspects all into one really well made game. Really amazing game and I look forward to the multiplayer version, but it really does have an ending. MC is rather unlimited, especially with mods, but lacks in challenges and quests, especially that scales with player progression. Settlers and Anno have very specific challenges, but have very limited content. After a while you are just "done".

I'm currently working on some form of Anno/Settlers game where we might allow maps to be expanded WZ2100 style and new more powerful enemies or whatever be generated once the player defeats the current one. Either that or a Stargate inspired world where you would have a home and build some form of base then explore the universe through portals and find friends and foes with various levels of power where you go.

Giving a more "down to earth" answer than my previous one, I think pc players are starved by the lack of games where you capture and collect creatures, like Pokemon and Persona series, also jrpg and jrts(is this a genre, right?) stuff is constantly falling behind compared to consoles, (glad we got Disgaea 1 - 2 on steam and several FF ports and some Tales series games though)

Another one lacking are 4X space games I think, X:Rebirth disappointed if you remember, getting scores like 4/10 at release, so my  hope is in X4 which should be on the work

Also when I think to good physics based combat, the only one that comes to mind is Dark Messiah of Might and Magic(which was a world of fun)...why is that?! Why physic based combat seems to be not relevant?

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