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Sound Efx Designer - new to forums

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7 comments, last by jbadams 10 years, 12 months ago

Hello all! I am a new member of this forum, and would love some feedback on this short reel I'm working on sending out to developers. Thanks!



1st Video - FPS

. Gun sounds don't match the environment - I hear gun handling sounds at 48sec recorded in a room but being used outside - my immersion is removed. Better to record your sounds under the cover of a heavy duvet, or in a closet lined with pillows and blankets to get a more dry sound.

. Felt the gun sounds lacked guts, they're not bad, but could be a lot better - a little more bottom end and definition. The first one felt more like a starter pistol - guns need to sound satisfying to use.

. Monsters - yeah these things can be difficult to get right - concentrate more on the sound design of the monsters, layer snarls, wet mouth sounds together with growls to create these. Single sounds feel fake and don't provoke any sort of fear. Sound is your instrument to convey emotion. Part of the satisfaction of killing a monster is how scary it sounds and the death throes after its had its killing blow.

. Ambiance felt lacking of emotion it could have conveyed fear or anxiety more with more spot fx and tone.

2nd Video - Fantasy

. The music set the mood nicely, though it wasn't highly memorable, more attention to melody would be nice.

. It's hard to showcase sound design and music together if the music level is louder, in this example I felt like the music was the main focus. Try changing your mixing so the music supports the scene rather than dominates it.

. Sounds themselves were suitable but didn't shine in any particular way. I liked the sound design on the electricity shimmers at the beginning and the shimmer of the girl turning to dust at the end.

Hope this helps.

Game Audio Professional

right...well some of that I disagree with, thanks for taking the time i suppose.

I agree with Groovy on his points. To me this felt like a first pass instead of a finish product. You're doing a good job getting the framework in place, now it's time to deepen and push the envelope to really make it immersive. A very brief point about your music - do more with automation, especially with regards to long notes at the end of phrases. Right now you have long notes that just sit then end instead of being performed like a professional musician would.

right...well some of that I disagree with, thanks for taking the time i suppose.

Perhaps unintended but you're coming off like a jerk here B4sound. You asked for feedback and Groovy provided excellent points.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

A jerk? ok, well...my apologies..

Many of groovy's points I thoroughly disagree with and seemed like he was simply bashing my work. There was no reverb used so whatever he heard at 48 seconds (there were no gun noises then) was in his imagination, and pay attention to melody? what kind of feedback is that? The guns had lots of low end, maybe your headphones don't?

It's not a finished product, but a lot of what he said just simply wasn't true.

The first video in fact was a first pass, my first attempt at game sound ever. I tried to find a way to delete this topic awhile ago, yet your forums won't let me. if you could delete this topic it would be appreciated

Many of groovy's points I thoroughly disagree with and seemed like he was simply bashing my work.

No, Groovy wasn't bashing your work. He was critiquing it, which you asked for on your work. He was specific about what he felt was good and needed improving in your demo video. If he was bashing it, the feedback wouldn't be as elaborate. Bashing someone's one is usually much shorter like "this sucks" "just quit" etc. Groovy clearly wasn't doing this. Stop feeling attacked because, frankly, you're not being attacked. smile.png

The first video in fact was a first pass, my first attempt at game sound ever.

Nothing wrong with starting out and asking for feedback! This is a great step to getting better. But if that feedback is constructive, as Groovy's was, then you should work on your ability to recieve it. Trust me, I've worked with producers, directors who can be VERY blunt in their feedback. Sometimes I can even 100% disagree with their opinion of how to make my work "right." But that doesn't mean making a fight. That would just stall progress and make me look bad to the team. Instead, it's best to realize that something is off the mark and do some refining. Right now, to put it bluntly, you're coming off really defensive. That's not a good image for you, especially since you started this post asking for feedback on your work. In short, you need really thick skin to work in this industry.

So many people forget that game audio is much more than just making good audio.

and pay attention to melody? what kind of feedback is that?

And his point about pay more attention to melody - I felt the same thing. Your FF demo music started off really nice and had some good elements to it but at some points it felt like it started to wander around melodically, even harmonically. There was less direction and as a listener, I started to lose interest in those parts of the music. I believe that was part of Groovy's point. So what kind of feedback was that? It's GOOD, constructive feedback! It gives you precise points that could use some work and even a few tips on how to improve them.

I tried to find a way to delete this topic awhile ago, yet your forums won't let me. if you could delete this topic it would be appreciated

If you'd like, I can close this topic, sure. But there's no reason to delete this in my opinion.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

I think what would help you is to do some A/B comparisons of this video (with the original audio) then constrast that with your demo audio. See what you're getting right and see what's still lacking then work on that.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

The gun sound definitely doesn't belong in that open environment.

Closing this given the OP's request for deletion and the fact that he apparently isn't open to the feedback given.


Please don't try to retract your posts by editing out all of the contents. There's a reason we don't offer users the functionality to delete their topics here, as our users often spend a lot of their valuable time offering feedback and engaging in discussion -- it isn't fair and can discourage future participating if the topic is suddenly removed after they spend the time to respond. Consider also that the content is still available to anyone willing to look anyway thanks to services such as Google's caching and archives like "The Wayback Machine".

If you plan to market your services in future you may wish to consider your potential reputation before responding to other users, and if you're planning to work with others you should certainly try to make yourself open to feedback without taking unwarranted offence -- especially if you ask for that feedback initially.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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