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Multiplayer game programming/Have it?

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5 comments, last by Dirge 22 years, 11 months ago
Does anybody have this book? What do you think of it. I went to 2 different online stores and the reviewed have been weighted (same reviews at both places). Is it good or crap? Thanks!
"Artificial Intelligence: the art of making computers that behave like the ones in movies."www.CodeFortress.com
I dont believe it is crap, but then again, I wrote it.

As far as reviews go, check out amazon.com, there is one less than favorable review there (I cant say I agree with him.)

Readers have given me reviews on multiple sites as well, so I wouldnt be too alarmed to see the same one in multiple places. I know that I usually cut and paste my reviews of items I write about.

Anyway, the members here should be able to tell you what they think, some of them own it.

Author, Multiplayer Game Programming

LostLogicwww.GamerOutfit.comXBox 360 Community Games Reviews and NewsExisled - 2D/3D Shooter for XBox 360

The book sure isn''t crap. Infact out off all my programing books this is the best one I have ever read. First you learn about the theroy behined network programming and the different technices games use. Then its on to WinSock. I know this seems scray at first but Todd Barron (Lost Logic) wrote a class for Winsock to make everything better. Then its on to a little windows programming and you learn how to create a basic window. After that you learn DirectPlay and build your own chat program which I think is great. The book would be great if it stopped here. But It doesn''t. On to Direct3D. In this book I learned more about Direct3D then prima''s Beginning Direct3D Game Programming which had nothing about game programming in it. Next on to DirectAudio and DirectInput. Before you know it your on chapter 14. Your making your first game Space Pirates. In the Game you are a robot shooting pluses of energy at your opponet. This is where network, 3d, input, and the sound programming pay off. There is even colision detection in it. I played my dad across the net. Killed him Anyway after that, you learn about mmorpg (massivly online role playing games) And you can create your own. Enough sad. It was about time a book like this came out on multiplayer game programming. You learn just about every api of DirectX (DirectPLay, Direct3D, DirectAudio, DirectInput) in its current version 8, to make an actual real fun addticting game. Todd Barron has put so much into this book, and I thank him for that. Its worth every penny and more! ;P
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I thought it was only DirectPlay? Oh well, I now might have a look at it, even if it''s C++. Might be some new things in it for me.

www.persistentrealities.com for Inline ASM for VB, VB Fibre, and other nice code samples in C++, PHP, ASP, etc.<br/>Play Yet Another Laser Game!<br/>
I''ve got to say LostLogic''s book is one of the best. If it had been the first one I bought then everything would seem a lot clearer than it did before. The Direct3D book in the same series is good as well although IMO not as easy to read.
I think LostLogics book is great. I used it to learn sockets, DirectPlay AND Direct3D. Yes, I already own the Direct3D book in the Prima series, but frankly the sections out of Multiplayer Game Programming were easier for me to use to get started with it. It''s a very good book and well worth the cost. I''ve found it very worthwhile and I''ve only read a little over half of it so far.

I''ll be back.
Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...
John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I''''m ordering a pizza?
I'll be back.---------------------Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I''m ordering a pizza?
Its a good book. I had very little knowledge of network programming and was able to implement multiplayer in my turn based game within a week by searching through the book. Im by no means an expert in network programming now, but I was able to do what I wanted in a very short period of time (though Im still trying to get around Accept''s blocking).

My only complaint, which is the same for all the books in the series, is that they have to cover a lot of stuff outside of the book''s topic. I guess its a trade off. If they didnt cover sometype of input and graphic system, then it would have been very hard to do a complete game. Then again, I just wanted to learn multiplayer; Im never going to touch the D3D section of that book. He could have used the extra space to do more about sockets or something.

Overall, its a great book. I would never have been able to implement multiplayer as fast as I did without it.

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