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Home Improvement

Published July 06, 2013
Been out of touch lately. The wife and I bought a house. Spent the last several weeks painting, ripping out all the old nasty carpet from 1982, tearing out hideous yellow linoleum and wallpaper, pulling out the upstairs bathtub and toilet, etc... Had to cut the top layer of the subfloor in a couple spots to fix moisture damage stemming from the leaking tub and toilet flange. It hasn't been a huge job, but it has been a medium huge job. The house overall is in relatively good shape, just suffering from a few years of neglect. In the meantime, I haven't done any programming at all. Every day my schedule is the same: up at 5, go to work. Home at 3, start hammering on stuff. In bed at 11:30. Saturdays, I can start hammering stuff at 12:30 instead of 3:00. I've gotten the new wood flooring lain in all rooms except the bathroom, and we've fully moved in. If I can get the tub in this evening, it will be just in time for the in-laws to show up and stay for a month. My wife is scheduled to deliver our second kid next Thursday via scheduled C-section. As you can see, the timing is gonna be super tight.

I've been building the latest version of GC on top of the Urho3D library. So far, it's been working out great. Out of curiosity to see what's happening, I checked out the latest SVN of Urho3D. To my delight, they've included a Lua binding. Woo hoo! To my dismay, however, they've upgraded to SDL 2.0 and somehow in the process have broken my ability to build with MinGW. I had hacked the CMakeLists and done a few things so that I was able to build a D3D9 version under MinGW, but it seem like trying to compile the new SDL is looking for headers that belong to the Windows SDK, which I don't have installed. Doing a full revert of the repository, erasing all of my edits, still won't even manage to build an OpenGL version anymore (as the default behavior is for MinGW) since SDL is still looking for those headers. I don't really have a whole lot of time to spend in the evenings trying to fix this build process, and I'm not going to install Visual Studio or the Windows SDK, so I'm kind of stuck. I'll probably revert back to the 2D backend built on top of Irrlicht for further development, at least until I can figure out how to fix my build.

I'm nearing the end of the home improvement stuff. Need to finish the bathroom, finish a bit more baseboard trim, then I want to paint the exterior. After that, it's yard work which I can complete at my leisure. Maybe then I'll have time to work on a few projects I've got going.
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Cool that you bought a house!!! Enjoy!!!

Yeah I am using Irrlicht but I am going to look at Polycode once I am done with current project and see how that has come along, and/or maybe look at using SFML2.0 with my own code again....

Updates suck when they break your code.... oh well nature of the beast.

See you around!

July 06, 2013 04:49 PM
Servant of the Lord

Congrats on the house - house projects can be fun, as long as they aren't unexpected!

Is it a boy or a girl? And were the old toilets lime green or bright pink? smile.png

My dad and I had new flooring laid by contractors just two years ago... and the toilet leaked at the base underneath the linoleum so we replaced the flooring ourselves with identical match of linoleum and reseated the toilet in new wax seals about six months later. Then another eight months later we noticed more water damage. So we replaced the flooring with identical linoleum again, and this time we realized that the toilet was chipped near the base and it wasn't the wax seals that were faulty. tongue.png

First the contractors and then me and my dad had failed to notice it. We relaid the floor (Contractors = once, us = twice) and got a new toilet in there and haven't had a problem since.

Rough woodwork is better than Electrical work is better than Finish work is better than Plumbing work.

Plumbing work is torture, unless you're running entirely new lines. Everything else can be quite fun. There's a saying that goes, "It takes two store trips for an electrical project, and three for plumbing")

July 06, 2013 08:03 PM

"It takes two store trips for an electrical project, and three for plumbing"

Heh, that about sums up my eight years of plumbing experience. Even after all this time, I still have to make multiple runs.

Edit: Oh, yeah, and they were pretty sure at the last ultrasound that it's a girl. Say... 85% sure.
July 07, 2013 12:24 AM

I have to say I'm envious. It's funny that after spending all day in front of the computer doing what you're good at, you find yourself actually more fulfilled by doing even simple physical tasks! At least for me.

July 07, 2013 02:26 AM
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