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Fear, Trembling, and Harsh Reality

Published February 06, 2009
If you've followed the news in the game industry for any time, then you already know it's a volatile industry. Studios open and close at the the drop of a hat. People get hire to meet the needs of the current project then get let go when the project is complete. And then there is the spectre of outsourcing--the job that gets outsourced could be yours. In short, if you are serious about making a living in the game industry, you had better be prepared for a little excitement, and I! not talking about the good kind!

I'm going through an exciting time right now. The studio I have been working for has laid off over 50% of their workforce in the last year, I survived the first wave of layoffs back in July, but in January the remaining production staff was let go. So, just less than one year after breaking in to the game industry, I find myself broken out.

The reality if the game industry is this: if a studio can't make a profit, they will cease to exist. Unfortunately, the easiest way for any company to cut costs is to cut employees.

Although no industry is "layoff" proof, the games industry carries a much higher risk. Part of the reason is the nature of a game project. A game may only needs a few people in the beginning, but this may grow to 20, 50, ire even hundreds of employees when in full production. When the game is done, the company may find itself with a glut of employees and no work to do. This scenario is a human resource nightmare. Most studios try to have multiple projects in the works and then try to schedule those projects so the low time in one project corresponds with the high time of another, but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Another tool used by many companies use to cope with the variable nature of game projects is outsourcing. This may range from subcontracting with a local art studio to create some assets to contracting with a team of programmers in another country. If a company can get the same quality of work for less cost, then who can blame them? Sure there are a lot of pros and cons to outsourcing, but it often boils down to the bottom line.

Several factors combined that led to the layoffs at my last studio: changes in the casual games market, a slow economy, poor holiday sales, and access to lower-cost labor oversees. Even the big companies such as Microsoft and EA have announced layoffs. The bottom line is that no one in the industry is immune.

There are some steps you can take to prepare yourself should for the worst. The key is to always be prepared to quickly find that next job:

* Keep networking. You should keep track of every single person you meet while you are employed. People move around a lot in the game industry, and your present coworkers might be the one who helps you find your next job.
* Get active on LinkedIn or other such networks.
* Don't burn your bridges. Prior employers are an excellent resource when you find yourself without a job (as long as you didn't shaft them on your way out the door).
* Keep your portfolio current. The day you get fired isn't the best time to decide to gather samples of your work.
* Keep your website and other professional profiles current.
* Keep up with the latest technologies changes in your profession.

It's also a good idea to have a plan for how you might survive a few months between jobs. Examples include:

* Always have some money saved or invested that you can gain immediate access to.
* Avoid long-term commitments such as leases and large loans as much as possible.
* You might consider getting job-loss insurance on loans you do have if it is available. Such coverage could pay off your debt if you lose your job.
* In the United States, make sure you file your unemployment claim on your last day of work.

I'm not saying - did all if these things, but I did most of them. I'm a little anxious about finding my next job, but I'm not devastated and I have some resources in the meantime.

One more thing: be flexible. If you're not prepared to move across the country a few times during your career, the game industry might not be the right choice for you.

Wish me luck!
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Staffan E
I'm really sorry you lost your job, even more so since you're not the only one these days. In the end, as you say, you can't affect whether you lose you job or not but you can affect how long it takes to find new employment. This goes for any job in any industry. I've never been in the game industry myself but I see the same pattern at the mechanical production plants where I've worked. The fact that the game industry is a high-risk industry only means that layoffs are likely to be more frequent.

The bottom line is that I think the tips you give are good for anyone doing any kind of work. Anyway I hope things work out for you. Good luck.
February 09, 2009 04:15 AM
I'm sorry hear that, and wish you good luck!

I'm kind of in the same boat. I just got laid off (didn't burn bridges!), and am currently applying for my first job in the game industry – among other possibilities, of course – and preparing to move to another city on short notice. I have some money saved for another purpose, but I really hope I don't have to start burning through my savings, so wish me luck too.
February 13, 2009 11:42 AM
Great post; I agree with everything you said about keeping your portfolio up to date. I wish you the best of luck, and keep your head up!

February 13, 2009 11:47 PM
Good Luck!
February 15, 2009 11:38 AM
Wow, this post has been up 10 days and not a single comment yet. Weird, no replies were shown until I actually posted mine, must be a bug. Kudos to you, I think you have presented a great entry that a lot of people should be aware of and plan accordingly for. Most people, up until the past year or so, probably have taken their jobs and living conditions for granted. Reading all the stories across the world about the state of the economy everywhere really is an eye opener.

I myself took a similar approach from 2008 - 2009 when I was in college and about to graduate. I simply assumed source of income could stop any day, so I saved, saved, saved and made sure to get all college loans out of the way first.

Next, I made sure I set enough aside for taxes (which is the only key point I think you missed in your post), which was really ugh due to the amount, but I always like to prepare for the future. With all of that out of the way, I decided to spend some time home rather than try and move somewhere and then find a job to save money and for the simple reason there is no place like home.

So, after I pay the IRS this month, I'll be completely debt free and still have a little living money for most of 2009 and plenty of free time to build up more skills and a better portfolio, which I am doing. I'm not in any particular rush to find a job to commit to because I am really uncertain what type of job I'd want to work, but worse comes to worse, there are always other jobs outside this field I could take just for the money for bills and living expenses.

So I'm not sure what the future holds, but in agreement with your journal's title, I'm just glad to be here as well.

I wish you and everyone else the best!
February 16, 2009 12:39 AM
Good luck!
February 16, 2009 09:36 AM
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