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Package files.

Published August 01, 2006
I've got an exciting entry for you guys today ;-)

Over the last few years I've been through several iterations of my custom package format [.pkg]. It acts just like a .zip, or .pak file, and is just used to archive all of my data files into a single file.

There are several reasons for this, obviously this will make theft of my assets a little more difficult, but the main reason is that I'm obligated to not have some of these files just sitting on the hard drive [commercial textures, sounds, etc.]. And this will satisfy that requirement.

Today I pretty much rewrote the format [it's pretty simple], and I'm much happier with the results. Before I would just load the entire package into memory right off the hard drive, which was fine for packages with < 200 files. But now I just load the package's header information and use that data to seek to the file's start inside the package. I'm working with over 1500 assets in the game right now [not including configs, text, etc. that still sit on the HD in their respective folders...obviously so the end user can modify them easily].

I've also created a simple utility to help me manage the package files. Until today I had to handle that type of stuff through the in-game console which was a slightly annoying. Also I would find myself in a race before each build deadline to resolve the issues that would ALWAYS come up, dealing with the package system. Hopefully that will be a thing of the past, as the new format is much more robust.

All asset loading code [textures, models, shaders, sounds, etc.] goes through the CPackage class. The package class first tries to load "File X" off the hard-drive. If it can't be found, it then searches the main package for the file, and if it still can't be found...it gives an error.

Screenshots of the simple package utility I created...

Some code showing how I seek to each file...instead of just loading the whole 350MB file into memory. I stand by the C style file functions. It's just so much easier for me. Though most of my college professors always bitched at me for using printf and not cout, etc. I just prefer the old C style with most things...and by using a style I'm more comfortable with I'm saving myself precious debug time later :-)

bool CPackage::ExportFile(char *pFileName, char *pDestFileName){ FILE *pFileStream; FILE *pPackageStream; void *pFileData = NULL; int Index = 0; //Open package & Destination output file. if((pFileStream = fopen(pDestFileName, "wb")) == NULL || (pPackageStream = fopen(m_FileName, "rb")) == NULL) {      //Couldn't open the package or create destination file...  //Insert error message here.  return false; } //end of if else {  //Get numerical index of desired file, inside package.  Index = GetFileIndex(pFileName);   //Determine offset into the package.  //NOTE: This could be computed and stored in a look-up table.  //      It's not really worth it though, since this only gets   //      executed at load time.    long int FileOffset = 0;  for(int i = 0; i < Index; i++)   FileOffset+=m_PackageElements->m_FileSize;    //Seek to start of desired file [in package].  fseek(pPackageStream, m_EndOfPackageHeader+FileOffset, SEEK_SET);  //Allocate temp memory for file.  pFileData = malloc(m_PackageElements[Index]->m_FileSize);  if(pFileData)  {   //Read file from package.   fread(pFileData, m_PackageElements[Index]->m_FileSize, 1, pPackageStream);   //Write destination file.   fwrite(pFileData, m_PackageElements[Index]->m_FileSize, 1, pFileStream);     //Delete temp memory.   free(pFileData);  } //end of if } // end of else //Close file streams fclose(pFileStream); fclose(pPackageStream); return true;} // end of ExportFile function

For all you masochistic types out there here is a list of all the assets currently stored in the main package file...This is what I deal with every day. I can't believe the game has over 1500 data files associated with it. [and still growing].

Package 'pack001.pkg' CONTENTS [1506 files]----------------------------------------------------- 0: [ ActorImposters.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 1: [ Alley1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 2: [ BigBuildings1.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 3: [ BlankOverlay.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 4: [ Bridge.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 5: [ Buildings1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 6: [ Waves.dds ] [43832 Bytes] 7: [ WaterBump.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 8: [ Waterbump2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 9: [ FactoryA.tga ] [773201 Bytes] 10: [ Buildings1_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 11: [ Default_window.bmp ] [824 Bytes] 12: [ Buildings2_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 13: [ Buildings2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 14: [ Buildings3.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 15: [ Buildings4.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 16: [ Buildings5.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 17: [ Default_window_white.bmp ] [824 Bytes] 18: [ Buildings4_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 19: [ Buildings5_window.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 20: [ Buildings3_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 21: [ Clouds.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 22: [ Divider.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 23: [ Skyscrapers1.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 24: [ Explosion1.bmp ] [786486 Bytes] 25: [ Extras.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 26: [ Jail.tga ] [676822 Bytes] 27: [ GasStation.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 28: [ WaterImposter.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 29: [ CellPhone.tga ] [16298 Bytes] 30: [ PlazaDirt.tga ] [197156 Bytes] 31: [ Thumbs.db ] [349184 Bytes] 32: [ ArrowTex.tga ] [1667 Bytes] 33: [ Textures14.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 34: [ Interior1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 35: [ Interior2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 36: [ Interior3.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 37: [ Interior4.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 38: [ Intersection1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 39: [ Intersection2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 40: [ Bridge.tga ] [754348 Bytes] 41: [ Tree2.tga ] [702646 Bytes] 42: [ TreeBase.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 43: [ Bark2.tga ] [196714 Bytes] 44: [ LensFlares.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 45: [ Skyscrapers1_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 46: [ FactoryA_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 47: [ GasStation_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 48: [ ServiceStation_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 49: [ BigBuildings1_window.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 50: [ Road3_window.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 51: [ MiniMap.bmp ] [30056 Bytes] 52: [ RPGRound.tga ] [12332 Bytes] 53: [ 40mmRound.tga ] [6173 Bytes] 54: [ Road3.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 55: [ Overlay.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 56: [ ParkingLot.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 57: [ Interior5.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 58: [ Reference.bmp ] [60 Bytes] 59: [ Road-3.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 60: [ Road1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 61: [ Road2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 62: [ Textures14_window.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 63: [ SportSUV1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 64: [ PoliceCar_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 65: [ Taxi_Luminance.tga ] [2401 Bytes] 66: [ MuscleCar1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 67: [ MuscleCar2_Luminance.tga ] [1825 Bytes] 68: [ Slider.bmp ] [824 Bytes] 69: [ SpeechBubble.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 70: [ Sunset.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 71: [ ServiceStation.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 72: [ Ticker.bmp ] [24632 Bytes] 73: [ Trees2.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 74: [ Water.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 75: [ WaterStuff.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 76: [ Italian_B.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 77: [ Italian_A.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 78: [ Civ_Male_A.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 79: [ Black_C.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 80: [ Black_B.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 81: [ Black_A.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 82: [ Glass.tga ] [65580 Bytes] 83: [ Park1.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 84: [ Dumpster.tga ] [393260 Bytes] 85: [ Barricade.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 86: [ WoodPallet.tga ] [131116 Bytes] 87: [ WoodCrate.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 88: [ BoxA.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 89: [ BoxB.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 90: [ TrafficCone.tga ] [98348 Bytes] 91: [ PlasticDrumA.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 92: [ PlasticDrumB.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 93: [ TireB.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 94: [ TireA.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 95: [ NewsPaperA.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 96: [ PostalBox.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 97: [ TrashCan.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 98: [ PhoneBooth.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 99: [ ParkingMeter.tga ] [98348 Bytes] 100: [ Bark1.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 101: [ FenceWireA.tga ] [65580 Bytes] 102: [ FenceLinkA.tga ] [65580 Bytes] 103: [ FenceEdgeA.tga ] [32812 Bytes] 104: [ FenceA.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 105: [ NewsPaperC.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 106: [ NewsPaperB.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 107: [ Mp5.tga ] [52452 Bytes] 108: [ TestTexture.tga ] [2454073 Bytes] 109: [ Tree1.tga ] [736839 Bytes] 110: [ SportSUV2_Luminance.tga ] [1626 Bytes] 111: [ LeadSled2_Luminance.tga ] [1400 Bytes] 112: [ Policeman.tga ] [863302 Bytes] 113: [ RPG.tga ] [93232 Bytes] 114: [ AK47.tga ] [34378 Bytes] 115: [ Knife.tga ] [48236 Bytes] 116: [ Colt45.tga ] [44005 Bytes] 117: [ Uzi.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 118: [ Glock.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 119: [ 38Revolver.tga ] [25916 Bytes] 120: [ Cleaver.tga ] [35808 Bytes] 121: [ Magnum.tga ] [97172 Bytes] 122: [ Spas.tga ] [75727 Bytes] 123: [ Dirt.tga ] [641878 Bytes] 124: [ Trailer.tga ] [660562 Bytes] 125: [ Dirt_Tile.tga ] [788498 Bytes] 126: [ Dumpster_Big.tga ] [704942 Bytes] 127: [ BrickStack.tga ] [170579 Bytes] 128: [ Generator.tga ] [165256 Bytes] 129: [ ConcretePipe.tga ] [779887 Bytes] 130: [ Civ_Female_A.tga ] [512137 Bytes] 131: [ LeadSled1_Luminance.tga ] [1400 Bytes] 132: [ Tecnec2_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 133: [ Stairs.tga ] [196942 Bytes] 134: [ Transformer.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 135: [ Spool.tga ] [196652 Bytes] 136: [ M24.tga ] [98348 Bytes] 137: [ Plaza_Tile.tga ] [788439 Bytes] 138: [ Latin_B.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 139: [ Latin_A.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 140: [ Tecnec1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 141: [ House1Brick.tga ] [45291 Bytes] 142: [ House1Roof.tga ] [103879 Bytes] 143: [ Grass_Tile.tga ] [788509 Bytes] 144: [ GW_EM_G.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 145: [ GW_EM_S.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 146: [ ArmouredTruck.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 147: [ GW_SUX_C.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 148: [ GW_SUX_S.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 149: [ Hammer2_Luminance.tga ] [2697 Bytes] 150: [ Hammer1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 151: [ LuxSUV2_Luminance.tga ] [2018 Bytes] 152: [ LeadSled_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 153: [ LeadSled_P.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 154: [ GW_SUV_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 155: [ GW_SUV_M.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 156: [ MuscleCar_Y.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 157: [ MuscleCar_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 158: [ LuxSUV1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 159: [ PoliceCar.tga ] [840009 Bytes] 160: [ Van1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 161: [ ArmouredCar_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 162: [ GW_TSR_T.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 163: [ GW_TSR_R.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 164: [ GW_SPD_Y.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 165: [ GW_SPD_R.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 166: [ GW_SLN_G.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 167: [ GW_SLN_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 168: [ GW_SBX_Y.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 169: [ GW_SBX_G.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 170: [ Van2_Luminance.tga ] [1691 Bytes] 171: [ EuroCruiser1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 172: [ EuroCruiser2_Luminance.tga ] [2067 Bytes] 173: [ YellowCab.tga ] [936984 Bytes] 174: [ SportSUV_S.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 175: [ SportSUV_Y.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 176: [ GW_PT_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 177: [ GW_PT_R.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 178: [ EuroMuscle1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 179: [ EuroMuscle2_Luminance.tga ] [2687 Bytes] 180: [ Civ_Male_B.tga ] [630651 Bytes] 181: [ Truck1_Luminance.tga ] [2501 Bytes] 182: [ Truck2_Luminance.tga ] [2501 Bytes] 183: [ SBXTurbo1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 184: [ SBXTurbo2_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 185: [ Civ_Male_C.tga ] [609106 Bytes] 186: [ Saloon1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 187: [ Saloon2_Luminance.tga ] [2265 Bytes] 188: [ Civ_Male_D.tga ] [626092 Bytes] 189: [ Speedster1_Luminance.tga ] [49196 Bytes] 190: [ Speedster2_Luminance.tga ] [2060 Bytes] 191: [ Civ_Female_D.tga ] [511420 Bytes] 192: [ GW_DV_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 193: [ GW_DV_W.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 194: [ Buildings6.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 195: [ Buildings6_window.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 196: [ OutputCube.dds ] [1572992 Bytes] 197: [ NightCube.dds ] [6291584 Bytes] 198: [ Reference.dds ] [393344 Bytes] 199: [ NewSkyscraper1.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 200: [ NewSkyscraper2.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 201: [ NewSkyscraper4.tga ] [551973 Bytes] 202: [ CubeMap.dds ] [1572992 Bytes] 203: [ NewSkyscraper3.tga ] [588693 Bytes] 204: [ Money.tga ] [40092 Bytes] 205: [ Bat.tga ] [12459 Bytes] 206: [ Civ_Female_B.tga ] [511347 Bytes] 207: [ Civ_Female_C.tga ] [489816 Bytes] 208: [ SelectionBox.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 209: [ GW_EC_W.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 210: [ GW_EC_B.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 211: [ House1Base.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 212: [ FogOfWar.tga ] [24620 Bytes] 213: [ Particles.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 214: [ Grenade.tga ] [98348 Bytes] 215: [ Bomb.tga ] [129219 Bytes] 216: [ GrenadeLauncher.tga ] [43191 Bytes] 217: [ M4.tga ] [80882 Bytes] 218: [ Sig552.tga ] [85973 Bytes] 219: [ Beretta.tga ] [50623 Bytes] 220: [ Sig220.tga ] [60884 Bytes] 221: [ WaltherP22.tga ] [66106 Bytes] 222: [ DesertEagle.tga ] [42702 Bytes] 223: [ Uzi2.tga ] [125682 Bytes] 224: [ Combined.ms3d ] [741510 Bytes] 225: [ vAK47.tga ] [130281 Bytes] 226: [ FlagTexture.tga ] [114477 Bytes] 227: [ CharacterBlood.tga ] [490514 Bytes] 228: [ bloodtest.tga ] [686169 Bytes] 229: [ Vest.tga ] [126270 Bytes] 230: [ ocean6.dds ] [393344 Bytes] 231: [ ocean6.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 232: [ oceangradient.bmp ] [24888 Bytes] 233: [ Waterbump3.bmp ] [263224 Bytes] 234: [ Sprites.tga ] [420969 Bytes] 235: [ depreciated-------Sprites.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 236: [ Baggie.tga ] [139724 Bytes] 237: [ caust0.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 238: [ caust1.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 239: [ caust10.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 240: [ caust11.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 241: [ caust12.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 242: [ caust13.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 243: [ caust14.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 244: [ caust15.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 245: [ caust16.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 246: [ caust17.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 247: [ caust18.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 248: [ caust19.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 249: [ caust2.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 250: [ caust20.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 251: [ caust21.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 252: [ caust22.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 253: [ caust23.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 254: [ caust24.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 255: [ caust25.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 256: [ caust26.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 257: [ caust27.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 258: [ caust28.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 259: [ caust29.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 260: [ caust3.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 261: [ caust30.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 262: [ caust31.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 263: [ caust4.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 264: [ caust5.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 265: [ caust6.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 266: [ caust7.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 267: [ caust8.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 268: [ caust9.bmp ] [12342 Bytes] 269: [ Thumbs.db ] [78848 Bytes] 270: [ Background1.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 271: [ Background2.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 272: [ Background3.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 273: [ Background4.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 274: [ Background5.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 275: [ Background6.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 276: [ BlackSelect.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 277: [ BootIcon.tga ] [4140 Bytes] 278: [ BuildingImages.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 279: [ Crosshair.bmp ] [3128 Bytes] 280: [ Desktop1.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 281: [ Desktop2.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 282: [ Desktop3.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 283: [ Desktop4.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 284: [ EmptyMapTex.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 285: [ GameOver.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 286: [ Health.bmp ] [3128 Bytes] 287: [ IllegalBusiness.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 288: [ ItalianSelect.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 289: [ LatinoSelect.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 290: [ Message.bmp ] [3128 Bytes] 291: [ Test.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 292: [ Victory.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 293: [ Window1.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 294: [ Window3.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 295: [ Window4.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 296: [ Commands.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 297: [ Mp3Playback.bmp ] [49208 Bytes] 298: [ Mp3Playback.tga ] [29262 Bytes] 299: [ Mp3PlaybackOver.tga ] [29037 Bytes] 300: [ SpeechBubble.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 301: [ ActorIcon.tga ] [477 Bytes] 302: [ old-Window2.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 303: [ Window2.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 304: [ GUI_Overlays.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 305: [ RadialMenuBase.tga ] [57428 Bytes] 306: [ RadialMenu.tga ] [49455 Bytes] 307: [ CircleCrosshair.bmp ] [3128 Bytes] 308: [ FlagIcon.tga ] [4140 Bytes] 309: [ ArCarIcon.tga ] [4140 Bytes] 310: [ SpeechBubbleR.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 311: [ SpeechBubbleL.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 312: [ Cocaine.tga ] [8370 Bytes] 313: [ Crack.tga ] [7884 Bytes] 314: [ Meth.tga ] [6314 Bytes] 315: [ Scale.tga ] [79059 Bytes] 316: [ Weed.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 317: [ Opium.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 318: [ Heroin.tga ] [9702 Bytes] 319: [ Ecstasy.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 320: [ ItemSprites.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 321: [ Diplomacy.tga ] [50468 Bytes] 322: [ Tabs.tga ] [10548 Bytes] 323: [ OrderMarker.tga ] [55953 Bytes] 324: [ Bitmaps.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 325: [ StreetSign.tga ] [19331 Bytes] 326: [ Tiles.bmp ] [786488 Bytes] 327: [ OrderRadius.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 328: [ MiniMapFOV.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 329: [ Sniper.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 330: [ OrderOverlay.tga ] [3788 Bytes] 331: [ Thumbs.db ] [7168 Bytes] 332: [ Window5.bmp ] [393272 Bytes] 333: [ ProgressBar.psd ] [305245 Bytes] 334: [ ProgressBar.tga ] [93820 Bytes] 335: [ QuickStatus.tga ] [48760 Bytes] 336: [ ResourceOverlay.tga ] [5917 Bytes] 337: [ Loading.bmp ] [196664 Bytes] 338: [ Thumbs.db ] [5632 Bytes] 339: [ -Spotlight.tga ] [142368 Bytes] 340: [ Thumbs.db ] [5632 Bytes] 341: [ Headlights2.tga ] [351778 Bytes] 342: [ Headlights.tga ] [786476 Bytes] 343: [ Spotlight.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 344: [ Clouds.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 345: [ Sun.tga ] [1048620 Bytes] 346: [ CloudColor.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 347: [ FogColor.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 348: [ Sky.tga ] [262188 Bytes] 349: [ FallbackAmbientColor.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 350: [ AmbientColor.tga ] [16428 Bytes] 351: [ Thumbs.db ] [6144 Bytes] 352: [ ActorMarker.ms3d ] [750 Bytes] 353: [ ActorShadow.ms3d ] [750 Bytes] 354: [ ArmouredCar_Damage.ms3d ] [155997 Bytes] 355: [ ArmouredCar_High.ms3d ] [120543 Bytes] 356: [ ArmouredCar_Low.ms3d ] [22239 Bytes] 357: [ Bird1.ms3d ] [12875 Bytes] 358: [ BlackA.ms3d ] [106200 Bytes] 359: [ BlackA_Ragdoll.ms3d ] [104061 Bytes] 360: [ BlackB.ms3d ] [110013 Bytes] 361: [ BlackC.ms3d ] [111483 Bytes] 362: [ Camera.ms3d ] [1530 Bytes] 363: [ CivFemale1.ms3d ] [110193 Bytes] 364: [ CivFemale2.ms3d ] [110193 Bytes] 365: [ CivFemale3.ms3d ] [110193 Bytes] 366: [ CivFemale4.ms3d ] [110193 Bytes] 367: [ CivMale1.ms3d ] [104355 Bytes] 368: [ CivMale2.ms3d ] [104355 Bytes] 369: [ CivMale3.ms3d ] [104355 Bytes] 370: [ CivMale4.ms3d ] [104355 Bytes] 371: [ EuroCruiser1_Damage.ms3d ] [123174 Bytes] 372: [ EuroCruiser1_High.ms3d ] [125829 Bytes] 373: [ EuroCruiser1_Low.ms3d ] [16398 Bytes] 374: [ EuroCruiser2_Damage.ms3d ] [152940 Bytes] 375: [ EuroCruiser2_High.ms3d ] [162537 Bytes] 376: [ EuroCruiser2_Low.ms3d ] [16398 Bytes] 377: [ EuroMuscle1_Damage.ms3d ] [129504 Bytes] 378: [ EuroMuscle1_High.ms3d ] [131289 Bytes] 379: [ EuroMuscle1_Low.ms3d ] [18330 Bytes] 380: [ EuroMuscle2_Damage.ms3d ] [157932 Bytes] 381: [ EuroMuscle2_High.ms3d ] [167709 Bytes] 382: [ EuroMuscle2_Low.ms3d ] [18330 Bytes] 383: [ Hammer1_Damage.ms3d ] [142719 Bytes] 384: [ Hammer1_High.ms3d ] [141105 Bytes] 385: [ Hammer1_Low.ms3d ] [15645 Bytes] 386: [ Hammer2_Damage.ms3d ] [170472 Bytes] 387: [ Hammer2_High.ms3d ] [180525 Bytes] 388: [ Hammer2_Low.ms3d ] [15645 Bytes] 389: [ Headlights.ms3d ] [3564 Bytes] 390: [ Helicopter1.ms3d ] [89953 Bytes] 391: [ ItalianA.ms3d ] [109140 Bytes] 392: [ ItalianB.ms3d ] [106020 Bytes] 393: [ ItalianC.ms3d ] [104511 Bytes] 394: [ LatinoA.ms3d ] [122220 Bytes] 395: [ LatinoB.ms3d ] [108930 Bytes] 396: [ LatinoC.ms3d ] [103572 Bytes] 397: [ LeadSled1_Damage.ms3d ] [109539 Bytes] 398: [ LeadSled1_High.ms3d ] [110376 Bytes] 399: [ LeadSled1_Low.ms3d ] [16158 Bytes] 400: [ LeadSled2_Damage.ms3d ] [159996 Bytes] 401: [ LeadSled2_High.ms3d ] [151113 Bytes] 402: [ LeadSled2_Low.ms3d ] [17523 Bytes] 403: [ LuxSUV1_Damage.ms3d ] [133287 Bytes] 404: [ LuxSUV1_High.ms3d ] [134589 Bytes] 405: [ LuxSUV1_Low.ms3d ] [25992 Bytes] 406: [ LuxSUV2_Damage.ms3d ] [161139 Bytes] 407: [ LuxSUV2_High.ms3d ] [171249 Bytes] 408: [ LuxSUV2_Low.ms3d ] [25992 Bytes] 409: [ MuscleCar1_Damage.ms3d ] [104505 Bytes] 410: [ MuscleCar1_High.ms3d ] [100047 Bytes] 411: [ MuscleCar1_Low.ms3d ] [16296 Bytes] 412: [ MuscleCar2_Damage.ms3d ] [156780 Bytes] 413: [ MuscleCar2_High.ms3d ] [157617 Bytes] 414: [ MuscleCar2_Low.ms3d ] [16296 Bytes] 415: [ NightSkybox.ms3d ] [3154 Bytes] 416: [ PoliceCar_Damage.ms3d ] [98700 Bytes] 417: [ PoliceCar_High.ms3d ] [108348 Bytes] 418: [ PoliceCar_Low.ms3d ] [23565 Bytes] 419: [ Policeman.ms3d ] [125478 Bytes] 420: [ Ragdoll.ms3d ] [104061 Bytes] 421: [ Ragdoll2.ms3d ] [86589 Bytes] 422: [ ReferenceBox.ms3d ] [1510 Bytes] 423: [ ReferenceSphere.ms3d ] [10096 Bytes] 424: [ Saloon1_Damage.ms3d ] [141192 Bytes] 425: [ Saloon1_High.ms3d ] [143253 Bytes] 426: [ Saloon1_Low.ms3d ] [18870 Bytes] 427: [ Saloon2_Damage.ms3d ] [169074 Bytes] 428: [ Saloon2_High.ms3d ] [179127 Bytes] 429: [ Saloon2_Low.ms3d ] [18870 Bytes] 430: [ SBXTurbo1_Damage.ms3d ] [143142 Bytes] 431: [ SBXTurbo1_High.ms3d ] [141813 Bytes] 432: [ SBXTurbo1_Low.ms3d ] [13335 Bytes] 433: [ SBXTurbo2_Damage.ms3d ] [171954 Bytes] 434: [ SBXTurbo2_High.ms3d ] [178617 Bytes] 435: [ SBXTurbo2_Low.ms3d ] [13335 Bytes] 436: [ Siren.ms3d ] [2037 Bytes] 437: [ Skydome.ms3d ] [21853 Bytes] 438: [ Speedster1_Damage.ms3d ] [123147 Bytes] 439: [ Speedster1_High.ms3d ] [130332 Bytes] 440: [ Speedster1_Low.ms3d ] [19065 Bytes] 441: [ Speedster2_Damage.ms3d ] [156870 Bytes] 442: [ Speedster2_High.ms3d ] [166410 Bytes] 443: [ Speedster2_Low.ms3d ] [19065 Bytes] 444: [ SportSUV1_Damage.ms3d ] [97209 Bytes] 445: [ SportSUV1_High.ms3d ] [106095 Bytes] 446: [ SportSUV1_Low.ms3d ] [25992 Bytes] 447: [ SportSUV2_Damage.ms3d ] [130140 Bytes] 448: [ SportSUV2_High.ms3d ] [125073 Bytes] 449: [ SportSUV2_Low.ms3d ] [25992 Bytes] 450: [ Sprite.ms3d ] [730 Bytes] 451: [ Taxi_Damage.ms3d ] [94368 Bytes] 452: [ Taxi_High.ms3d ] [95598 Bytes] 453: [ Taxi_Low.ms3d ] [21990 Bytes] 454: [ Tecnec1_Damage.ms3d ] [138558 Bytes] 455: [ Tecnec1_High.ms3d ] [139989 Bytes] 456: [ Tecnec1_Low.ms3d ] [13365 Bytes] 457: [ Tecnec2_Damage.ms3d ] [167592 Bytes] 458: [ Tecnec2_High.ms3d ] [177015 Bytes] 459: [ Tecnec2_Low.ms3d ] [13365 Bytes] 460: [ Truck1_Damage.ms3d ] [135015 Bytes] 461: [ Truck1_High.ms3d ] [136071 Bytes] 462: [ Truck1_Low.ms3d ] [14475 Bytes] 463: [ Truck2_Damage.ms3d ] [163740 Bytes] 464: [ Truck2_High.ms3d ] [172788 Bytes] 465: [ Truck2_Low.ms3d ] [14475 Bytes] 466: [ Van1_Damage.ms3d ] [133887 Bytes] 467: [ Van1_High.ms3d ] [135573 Bytes] 468: [ Van1_Low.ms3d ] [13890 Bytes] 469: [ Van2_Damage.ms3d ] [159450 Bytes] 470: [ Van2_High.ms3d ] [169128 Bytes] 471: [ Van2_Low.ms3d ] [13890 Bytes] 472: [ VehicleShadow.ms3d ] [954 Bytes] 473: [ TestMesh.x ] [846959 Bytes] 474: [ EuroCruiser_Wheel.ms3d ] [8157 Bytes] 475: [ PoliceCar_High2.ms3d ] [149529 Bytes] 476: [ Taxi2_High.ms3d ] [142827 Bytes] 477: [ SelectionBox.x ] [12989 Bytes] 478: [ TerritoryRadius.ms3d ] [12276 Bytes] 479: [ DrugBag.ms3d ] [7171 Bytes] 480: [ Arrow.x ] [3052 Bytes] 481: [ OrderRadius.ms3d ] [750 Bytes] 482: [ TerritoryRadiusOriginal.ms3d ] [17157 Bytes] 483: [ CollectionRadius.ms3d ] [17157 Bytes] 484: [ PoliceCar_Col.ms3d ] [16905 Bytes] 485: [ ArmouredCar_Col.ms3d ] [11943 Bytes] 486: [ EuroCruiser1_Col.ms3d ] [9738 Bytes] 487: [ EuroCruiser2_Col.ms3d ] [9738 Bytes] 488: [ EuroMuscle1_Col.ms3d ] [11670 Bytes] 489: [ EuroMuscle2_Col.ms3d ] [11670 Bytes] 490: [ Hammer1_Col.ms3d ] [11505 Bytes] 491: [ Hammer2_Col.ms3d ] [11505 Bytes] 492: [ LeadSled1_Col.ms3d ] [11436 Bytes] 493: [ LeadSled2_Col.ms3d ] [12801 Bytes] 494: [ LuxSUV1_Col.ms3d ] [19332 Bytes] 495: [ LuxSUV2_Col.ms3d ] [19332 Bytes] 496: [ MuscleCar1_Col.ms3d ] [9636 Bytes] 497: [ MuscleCar2_Col.ms3d ] [9636 Bytes] 498: [ Saloon1_Col.ms3d ] [12210 Bytes] 499: [ Saloon2_Col.ms3d ] [12210 Bytes] 500: [ SBXTurbo1_Col.ms3d ] [9255 Bytes] 501: [ SBXTurbo2_Col.ms3d ] [9255 Bytes] 502: [ Speedster1_Col.ms3d ] [12405 Bytes] 503: [ Speedster2_Col.ms3d ] [12405 Bytes] 504: [ SportSUV1_Col.ms3d ] [19332 Bytes] 505: [ SportSUV2_Col.ms3d ] [19332 Bytes] 506: [ Taxi_Col.ms3d ] [15330 Bytes] 507: [ Tecnec1_Col.ms3d ] [9285 Bytes] 508: [ Tecnec2_Col.ms3d ] [9285 Bytes] 509: [ Truck1_Col.ms3d ] [10395 Bytes] 510: [ Truck2_Col.ms3d ] [10395 Bytes] 511: [ Van1_Col.ms3d ] [9750 Bytes] 512: [ Van2_Col.ms3d ] [9750 Bytes] 513: [ 3x3ref.ms3d ] [3582 Bytes] 514: [ Alley1.ms3d ] [1158 Bytes] 515: [ backup.ms3d ] [14410 Bytes] 516: [ Bank.ms3d ] [136514 Bytes] 517: [ Bankbackup.ms3d ] [67542 Bytes] 518: [ BuildingOverlay.ms3d ] [1470 Bytes] 519: [ BuildingShadow.ms3d ] [1470 Bytes] 520: [ BuildingShadow2.ms3d ] [1470 Bytes] 521: [ Curve1.ms3d ] [28831 Bytes] 522: [ Empty.ms3d ] [510 Bytes] 523: [ GasStation.ms3d ] [137876 Bytes] 524: [ GasStationbackup.ms3d ] [108410 Bytes] 525: [ good-Tile3.ms3d ] [37254 Bytes] 526: [ HD.ms3d ] [7054 Bytes] 527: [ InteriorShoes.ms3d ] [7308 Bytes] 528: [ InteriorTemp.ms3d ] [5208 Bytes] 529: [ Lightmap.ms3d ] [27117 Bytes] 530: [ old-watertile.ms3d ] [990 Bytes] 531: [ Overpass.ms3d ] [228852 Bytes] 532: [ Park1.ms3d ] [136902 Bytes] 533: [ StreetLight.ms3d ] [2874 Bytes] 534: [ temp.ms3d ] [119262 Bytes] 535: [ TerritoryOverlay.ms3d ] [4718 Bytes] 536: [ TerritoryOverlay2.ms3d ] [5421 Bytes] 537: [ TerritoryOverlay3.ms3d ] [1470 Bytes] 538: [ test.3ds ] [39151 Bytes] 539: [ Tile1.ms3d ] [1230 Bytes] 540: [ Tile10.ms3d ] [76652 Bytes] 541: [ Tile11.ms3d ] [76532 Bytes] 542: [ Tile12.ms3d ] [5631 Bytes] 543: [ Tile13.ms3d ] [7086 Bytes] 544: [ Tile14.ms3d ] [4970 Bytes] 545: [ Tile15.ms3d ] [20583 Bytes] 546: [ Tile16.ms3d ] [17361 Bytes] 547: [ Tile17.ms3d ] [1236 Bytes] 548: [ Tile18.ms3d ] [2349 Bytes] 549: [ Tile19.ms3d ] [41057 Bytes] 550: [ Tile2.ms3d ] [17502 Bytes] 551: [ Tile20.ms3d ] [41057 Bytes] 552: [ Tile21.ms3d ] [186083 Bytes] 553: [ Tile22.ms3d ] [194651 Bytes] 554: [ Tile23.ms3d ] [2558 Bytes] 555: [ Tile24.ms3d ] [1802

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Oblivion will own your time for awhile. ;) Better tame that damn monster.

Wow, the development of this packaging asset is off the wall. Outstanding work on putting it together.

Keep up the great work as usual!

August 02, 2006 12:07 AM
I always want to code up some nice resource managing scheme but I always succeed in preventing myself from doing it, because I know I would over engineer it.
Kudos to you for creating a relatively simple, but robust one.
August 02, 2006 03:02 AM
Strange, I also made a console app lately:
  static void Main(string[] args)
            string text = "";
            int megabyte = 0;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(args[0])) {
                text = sr.ReadToEnd();
            string[] lines = text.Split('\r','\n');
            foreach (string line in lines)
                    string[] word = line.Split(' ');
                    megabyte += Convert.ToInt32(word[5].Remove(0, 1));
                catch { }             
            Console.WriteLine("Total bytes: {0}", megabyte);
            megabyte /= 1024;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Megabyte: {0}", megabyte);
            megabyte /= 1024;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Gigabyte: {0}", megabyte);

and this is the output:
Total bytes: 352644952
Total Megabyte: 344379
Total Gigabyte: 336

Where is my mistake ?

August 04, 2006 01:10 AM
This is the wrong place to ask questions like this. And you should also learn how to formulate your questions if you need help (like: stating what your program is supposed to do and what the actual problem is. nobody likes to read code to figure out what your intention is.). Besides that, a megabyte is 1024^2 bytes, a kilobyte is 1024 bytes. You forgot one divide, and now you are displaying the size in kilobytes as if it were megabytes, and mega for giga.
August 04, 2006 03:50 AM
Rob Loach
Another one to give notice to is PhysFS. [wink]
August 04, 2006 09:24 AM
Quote: Original post by roel
This is the wrong place to ask questions like this. And you should also learn how to formulate your questions if you need help (like: stating what your program is supposed to do and what the actual problem is. nobody likes to read code to figure out what your intention is.). Besides that, a megabyte is 1024^2 bytes, a kilobyte is 1024 bytes. You forgot one divide, and now you are displaying the size in kilobytes as if it were megabytes, and mega for giga.

aaah.. thanks. I made this program for that log, because I want to know how many space the game cost on that moment, i found it a bit.. related. Anyway, nice package system, remind me of quake and max payne :)
August 04, 2006 11:18 AM
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