
Step into a unforgiving world of danger and try to survive as you compete among other players to stay alive, Play as a animal and take down large prey as you progress along in your life. Hunt, Survive and Thrive in this land.

by opendix


Artemishea: A Rugged World to Survive in

Artemishea is build on the principle of being a realistic open world animal survival game where the player takes control of a creture and attemps to survive within their environment. Explore a vast and beautiful landscape, from the rocky regions to the lakes, valleys, mountains and even to the sky. Along with this and well everything there is some mystery behind it to be uncovered through out game-play and over time.

Make the gameplay your own. There is nothing stopping you from altering gameplay, Each time you step into this unforgiving world it can be a far different gameplay experience from the last time you played, There is a limitless amount of different gameplay to be taken from this game, The journey is yours. But be aware, If you die you will start all over again, No matter how many hours you put in surviving to make it to your goal creature it can be taken in single moment by poor judgement. It's brutal out there and who knows what exactly is lurking in the dark.

Massive online multiplayer

Finding your creature. When logging into a server you will be given options of what creatures you can become, From small Rabbits and Raccoons all the way to Rhino's and Tiger's. As anything predatory you will need to hunt and survive which mean's taking on other players with their own set of skills for fending off attackers, That hunt might be your last. You can also scavenge off other victims, But be aware of any near by predators that might kill you for coming so much as 20 feet near their food.

Engaging with other online players. You will be in a server of 100+ other online player's looking to survive just like you. Who knows what they just went through prior to you joining but they may or may not be dangerous. Trusting other predators might get you killed and turned into dinner.

Game Modes

Prior to joining servers you will see what game modes the server is hosting. Sandbox or Progression. Sandbox is what it seems, No punishment for dying and no lengthy progression time, Select your animal and spawn into the world and have fun, No risk no reward.

Progression on the other hand only allows for players to spawn in as a low tier animal first (Example: Raccoon -> Fox -> Wolf -> Bear) So on and so forth, Each tier requires points to reach it. In order to progress from Raccoon to Fox the player will need to gain a certain amount of points within the server to do so, Each minute is a single point so if the player starts as a Raccoon and the Fox requires 45 Points you will need to stay alive for 45 minutes then you can progress to the Fox, And the cycle continues until you reach your goal animal. As mentioned before if you die you will start over from the beginning and restart your journey again. But it's a massive achievement once you make it there.


The future of this game is to be turned into a realistic simulation of our current world. Some key things such as breaking bones, altered stances from injuries, scars, disease's, sicknesses and even paralysis. Your animal will tell it's story of it's upcoming, The fights and struggles will be told through visible wounds or tattered condition. Here's a list of other things:

-More playable creatures
-Life cycle
-Scent for tracking animal footsteps and finding food/Water
-Realistic AI with complex behaviors
-More world biome
-Bird nesting and mammals giving birth to young
-Complex ocean eco system and aquatic life (Same for lakes)
-Mod support for Steam workshop to allow for custom maps, settings, creatures etc.
-Fishing from ponds (Raccoons, Leopards, Eagle etc.)
-Eagle snatching young
-More complex fighting mechanics
-Destructible environment

That so far is what is planned to come and im sure alot more on top of that as time continues. Feed back is a necessity and the community that gathers around this game will be needed in transformation of this game to turn it into what it's meant to be. A realistic simulation of our world around us.


Last updated April 19, 2021
In Development
Release Date
June 24, 2021